The Friends of the Cape Girardeau Public Library Foundation accepts all memorials and gifts on behalf of the library.
Gifts may be made to the general fund of the Friends Foundation to assist with funding resources and programming outside of the annual library budget.
Donations may be made to the Friends Foundation to purchase specific titles or a title in a specific subject area to honor a loved one.
Books of Distinction
A commemorative bookshelf known as “Books of Distinction” was created by the Friends Foundation to celebrate the Cape Girardeau community. Anyone may purchase a hand-crafted book spine for the donor bookcase in the library's lobby.
Book spines are available in 1”, 2”, or 3” widths with several different design options, and will be permanently installed with the name of a donor, loved one, business, organization, book title, or message. Order forms and more details may be found at the User Services desk.

Contact Library Director Katie Earnhart or Administrative Assistant Linda Bailiff here.